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Secure Platform
The platform uses secure HTTPS technology. Information is encrypted between your computer and our server. Also only authorized users by the organization is allow to use it.

This digital market place was the idea of GastroCoop. As more Gastroenterologists became members of this cooperative and the list of vendors grew, GastroCoop started searching for a platform that would help them in monitoring all the purchasing activity that was going on between these two groups.
In searching for solutions GastroCoop partnered with two local organizations COSTEC (Cooperativa de Servicios Tecnologicos) and OrdenaloAqui LLC. These two organizations brought their expertise to develop what is now known as Medical Warehouse.
Yes, You can choose whatever you want and send the order. The platform split the order in multiple orders according to the suppliers. Every supplier will receive your product request.
As a supplier you can receive an email or SMS to notice that and order is arrive. The platform include a dash board where you can review, modify and accept all orders.
Yes, You as manager of the organization can retrieve all purchases information including service rating.
The platform uses secure HTTPS technology. Information is encrypted between your computer and our server. Also only authorized users by the organization is allow to use it.
This platform provides easy access to all products available. Product searches can be perform by specific KeyWord, Category or Supplier.
Our platform was developed and build entirely in Puerto Rico.
Medical Warehouse provides a very easy user interface. Re-orders to supplier can be perform with just one click.